Tuesday, June 20, 2006

It was a disappointing day for walking. I was stuck in a meeting from 9 to 5, with a very nice but not very healthy buffet lunch. The sky was a bit black when I got home, but I decided to chance it and go for a quick walk - otherwise I would only have done about 2500 steps.
I set off for the local nature reserve, about 10 minutes walk away. It's only the second time I've visited, in 10 years of living here! See http://www.wildlifebcnp.org/reserves/reserve.php?reserveid=94
The reserve is on the site of some old quarries, and is grassy and undulating. I was delighted to find several colonies of Pyramidal Orchids and quite a few Knapweed Broomrapes. My father was excellent at identifying wild flowers and taught me a lot, so although I wasn't sure of these flowers I had a good enough idea to find them easily in the book. I used Wild Flowers of Britain and Ireland by Blamey, Fitter and Fitter. There was also a beautiful big clump of Viper's Bugloss - one of my favourites, which sometimes pops up in my garden.
This short walk took 30 minutes and added 4000 steps.
Target 7800, Steps 7067
FitBug have just texted me to say why don't I go for a power walk to get up to my target. I don't think so - it's pouring with rain! I'll do extra tomorrow instead.


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